Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What's in Your Closet?

The last few weeks I have been cleaning out my old room at home, trying to figure out what has to go & what I can't live without. It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate growing up. I'm pretty sure my 8th grade dance dress doesn't fit anymore. I'm also pretty sure that a perrywinkle, sparkly party dress & black chunk wedges are far beyond out of style. Seriously, what was I thinking? This picture is only a fraction of the damage...

Tonight Danny is going to be speaking at the VSU Campus Outreach meeting about adversity. The past year has been a trying one with so many changes. I often have a hard time keeping up with myself. Ever since graduation life has been one big transition & I'm wondering when that settling point comes. I'm excited because at the end of his talk Danny & I are both going to share from our own experiences of life post grad, its victories & failures. It has been rewarding to think about what I want to share because I am convinced, completely convinced I know Jesus better through the struggles since last May. It is a challenge to live the Christian life apart from a core group & apart from accountability (in studying your Bible, in prayer, in your personal life, in being diligent). I have been studying Job the past month & his attitude towards real loss is phenominal. In the midst of real pain & suffering he never curses God. Although he responds with emotion, he never reacts, or takes immediate action as a result of his emotion. That is so different than how I think of things. Adversity no doubt exposes your foundation or your foundational cracks. The beauty of it is seeing a true need & a true love for the body of Christ, for the Bible, & finally desiring to be in God's place at His pace.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Engagement Pics

The engagement pictures are finally up! You can check them out on facebook. Where is all the time going? Everything is going by so fast its hard to keep up. I can't believe the wedding is only 44 days away!!!
The trip to Valdosta was so great! I got to see the town & campus for the first time & loved it there. The students were so welcoming & excited that we are coming. I also got a special treat to see some old Southern friends for the Young's wedding! And...we found a house to rent! The Lord is really answering big prayers there. Its within walking distance of campus, affordable & we could move in this summer. I'll let you more when its offically offical :)
For the rest of the month I will be traveling like crazy. I'm headed to Augusta tomorrow, then Valdosta again, then down to Statesboro! What a whirlwind. I'll try to keep you updated. For this week, Laura has been home & it has been great to spend some much needed sister time.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Valdosta or Bust

I've realized I haven't posted much about where Danny & I are going & what we're doing post wedding day. Kind of important, & we do have a plan, a good one. We work for a college ministry called Campus Outreach & our mission statement is "Glorifying God by building laborers on the campus for the lost world." We were both involved with the ministry as college students & couldn't be more thrilled to give our lives away to a noble calling. We love college students - the way they think, the way they are searching & learning, their dreams & ambitions - & we want to offer the same kind of discipleship, or mentorship to them that so greatly impacted us as students. I can't wait to get to campus! The year long support raising process deserved a blog all its own. It has had its ups & way downs. Through it all the Lord has been crazy faithful to every detail we have needed when we needed it. I am thankful for the struggle it has been, but probably won't shed a tear over it when we make it to campus...
This week Danny & I are headed to Valdosta to meet & hang out with the students at VSU, take care of some of our future plans (ie: house! yay!), & attend the wedding of our co-workers & good friends, Jon & Laura! Its going to be an awesome week. Can't wait to update you on all the news...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

In the Mail

Here's a sneak-peak of our invites. They are a little different from traditional initations. Which by the way, in case you didn't know, are the most awkward size...haha. The talented Emily Perry designed everything! It is good to have a bridesmaid & best friend who is a Graphic designer :) I love them. They are very simple. We ordered blue RSVP envelopes instead of white just to add some color. And I picked up some of this Raffia string last minute just to make it all a little more "put together". Get ready to see that monogram a lot. Its amazing how nice you can make things look if you just make them match! That being said, we'll be using the monogram on the programs & reception favors. Hope you can come join in the worship service & celebration of our wedding!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Prepare to be Entertained

Here are some pictures of one of the awesome buys Danny & I got at Big Shanty Antiques. It was pretty much a steal even though it needs a lot of work. We were looking for something to do with the tv because we know we want to be able to have friends and students over for movie nights etc. We were about to just settle for a table down in my parents basement when we found this really cool entertainment center. My favorite part is the stained glass doors. I'm going to have to clean it up a lot, paint it & put it back together, but with some work I think it will be pretty cool. So get ready to come over & be entertained at the Myers'!


I've been sick this week so I haven't been updating. But luckily I realized you can't tell what state I'm in when I'm typing. That being said, I'll try to catch up a little ; )

My mom & some of her friends threw me a wedding shower this past Sunday. It was a lot of fun and these ladies really put a lot in to it. It was so cool to have some of my old friends, new friends, currently family & future family all in one room. People were extremely generous with their gifts. I was so excited about the stash we got! This was one of my favorite gifts. The ladies who hosted the party gave it to me as a surprise. The real surprise was that I love this kind of thing and my good friend Anna made it knowing this. She was very sneaky as I was working on a project just like this and thinking "I'd love to have one of these..." The "M" is from Kennesaw Mountain - where Danny proposed.